Grafile Explore Web Social Media Icons
Grafile Explore Web Social Media Icons Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $24.99.
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Grafile Medical Center Medical Dental Flat Icons
Grafile Medical Center Medical Dental Flat Icons Original price was: $75.00.Current price is: $33.55.

Grafile Medical Center Medical Core Icons

Original price was: $75.00.Current price is: $33.55.

Medical Core Icons Collection Overview

The Medical Core Icons set contains [15.550] unique icons and overlays.
Total; [2.359.415] files with ai, bmp, icns, ico, jpg, png, psd, svg, xaml file extensions
This set covers all your needs to illustrate [common] functions and objects such as [find, save, print, documents, clipboard, navigation, help, windows, views] and much more.

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Why Grafile Icons

In pursuit of peak efficiency, we've masterfully minimized Illustrator file sizes. We've optimized with precision, ensuring minimal anchor points, axis-alignable paths, and fixed close points. Say goodbye to redundant baggage, as we've skillfully rectified unnecessary handles, discarded unused swatches, brushes, and symbols, to deliver a sleek, unburdened canvas for your creative endeavors.

15 People watching this product now!

Medical Core Icons Collection Overview

The Medical Core Icons set contains [15.550] unique icons and overlays.
Total; [2.359.415] files with ai, bmp, icns, ico, jpg, png, psd, svg, xaml file extensions
This set covers all your needs to illustrate [common] functions and objects such as [find, save, print, documents, clipboard, navigation, help, windows, views] and much more.

This icon set is made for use in application ribbons, toolbars, forms, buttons, menus or any controls.
The theme and style is modern and dynamic, making them suitable for applications on all platforms such as Windows, Mac OSX, Linux, iOS, Android.
Below is a preview of the icons with derivations

Medical Core Icons Collection Features

The package contains [all products of Grafile Icon Collections in ]
All in one package such as [Medical, Official, Business, Database, Love, Core, System.]

Next-generation Icons for web, mobil and Windows applications.
Developers and designers with a unified programming model for building rich Windows smart client user experiences that incorporate user interface, media, web and documents.
The Icon Collections you use every day in your projects.

Access new and updated resources

To help you minimize your long term expenses, we have created a Subscription Service
a suitable way to guarantee access to the most recent versions of our icons
Our Subscriptions provide you a 12 month window where in all new product releases are sent to you automatically.

Spesific additional icons

If you need specific additional icons, contact us to suggest them. Click here for suggestion form.

Medical Core Icons Collection Benefits

Grafile Icon Collections offers developers and designers to build rich UI UX design Windows smart client user experience that incorporates.
Grafile Icon Collections include next-generation icons that have ease of integration to designs and graphic tool libraries

UI UX design Icon collection, interface, menus, ribbon bars and toolbars with professional next-generation icons through unified programming model.
The icon collection is adaptable to Windows, Mac and Linux operating desktop systems alongside Ios 9, 10, 11, 12 Android 10, 11, 12 mobile platforms.

Listed below are the names of the Product Icons ;

Accisabilty Options, Ambulance Add, Ambulance Analysis, Ambulance Block, Ambulance Check, Ambulance Clock, Ambulance Configuration, Ambulance Crescent, Ambulance Cross, Ambulance Date, Ambulance Delete, Ambulance Edit, Ambulance Error, Ambulance Help, Ambulance info, Ambulance Progress, Ambulance Report, Ambulance Restricted, Ambulance Search, Ambulance Stop, Ambulance Warning, Ambulance, Anatomy Add, Anatomy Analysis, Anatomy Block, Anatomy Clock, Anatomy Configuration, Anatomy Date, Anatomy Delete, Anatomy Edit, Anatomy Error, Anatomy Help, Anatomy info, Anatomy Progress, Anatomy Report, Anatomy Restricted, Anatomy Search, Anatomy Stop, Anatomy Warning, Anatomy, Asthma, Avicenna B, Avicenna W, Baby Carriage Blue, Baby Carriage Green, Baby Carriage Red, Baby Carriage Yellow, Baby Fly Add, Baby Fly Analysis, Baby Fly Block, Baby Fly Check, Baby Fly Clock, Baby Fly Configuration, Baby Fly Date, Baby Fly Delete, Baby Fly Down, Baby Fly Edit, Baby Fly Error, Baby Fly Help, Baby Fly info, Baby Fly Left, Baby Fly Lock, Baby Fly Play, Baby Fly Progress, Baby Fly Refresh, Baby Fly Report, Baby Fly Restrict, Baby Fly Right, Baby Fly Search, Baby Fly Stop, Baby Fly Up, Baby Fly Warning, Baby Fly, Bag 2 Blue, Bag 2 Crescent, Bag 2 Cross, Bag 2 Green, Bag 2 Red, Bag 2 Yellow Add, Bag 2 Yellow Analysis, Bag 2 Yellow Block, Bag 2 Yellow Clock, Bag 2 Yellow Configuration, Bag 2 Yellow Date, Bag 2 Yellow Delete, Bag 2 Yellow Edit, Bag 2 Yellow Error, Bag 2 Yellow Help, Bag 2 Yellow Progress, Bag 2 Yellow Rectricted, Bag 2 Yellow Report, Bag 2 Yellow Search, Bag 2 Yellow Stop, Bag 2 Yellow Warning, Bag 2 Yellow, Bag Blue, Bag Crescent Add, Bag Crescent Analysis, Bag Crescent Block, Bag Crescent Check, Bag Crescent Clock, Bag Crescent Configuration, Bag Crescent Date, Bag Crescent Delete, Bag Crescent Edit, Bag Crescent Error, Bag Crescent Help, Bag Crescent Progress, Bag Crescent Report, Bag Crescent Restricted, Bag Crescent Search, Bag Crescent Stop, Bag Crescent Warning, Bag Crescent, Bag Cross Add, Bag Cross Analysis, Bag Cross Block, Bag Cross Check, Bag Cross Clock, Bag Cross Configuration, Bag Cross Date, Bag Cross Delete, Bag Cross Edit, Bag Cross Error, Bag Cross Help, Bag Cross Progress, Bag Cross Report, Bag Cross Restricted, Bag Cross Search, Bag Cross Stop, Bag Cross Warning, Bag Cross, Bag Green, Bag Red, Bag Yellow, Balance, Bio Hazard, Bug, Calender Day Add, Calender Day Analysis, Calender Day Block, Calender Day Clock, Calender Day Configuration, Calender Day Delete, Calender Day Each, Calender Day Edit, Calender Day Error, Calender Day Eye Green, Calender Day Eyeglasses, Calender Day Help, Calender Day info, Calender Day injection green, Calender Day Lens Green, Calender Day Pill, Calender Day Progress, Calender Day Report, Calender Day Restricted, Calender Day Search, Calender Day Skull, Calender Day Stop, Calender Day Warning, Calender Day, Calender Item 2, Call Bell, Cardiogram, Chair Dentist Red, Chair Dentist Yellow, Chair Dentist, Cleaning Day, Coffin, Conception, Crutch Add, Crutch Analysis, Crutch Block, Crutch Clock, Crutch Configuration, Crutch Edit, Crutch Error, Crutch Help, Crutch info, Crutch Progress, Crutch Report, Crutch Restricted, Crutch Search, Crutch Stop, Crutch Warning, Crutch, CrutcHdate, CrutcHdelete, Crutchs, Disinfection blue, Disinfection Green, Disinfection red, Disinfection yellow, Dna, Emergency, Eye Ball Black, Eye Ball Blue, Eye Ball Brown, Eye Ball Green, Eye Black, Eye Blue, Eye Brown, Eye Chart 2, Eye Chart 3, Eye Chart 4, Eye Chart 5, Eye Chart, Eye Green, Eyeglasses Add, Eyeglasses Analysis, Eyeglasses Block, Eyeglasses Check, Eyeglasses Clock, Eyeglasses Configuration, Eyeglasses Date, Eyeglasses Delete, eyeglasses Drop, Eyeglasses Edit, Eyeglasses Error, Eyeglasses Help, Eyeglasses info, Eyeglasses Progress, Eyeglasses Report, Eyeglasses Restricted, Eyeglasses Search, Eyeglasses Stop, Eyeglasses Warning, eyeglasses, Female Symbol, Four leafed clover, Funeral Car Muslim, Funeral Car, Glasses, Glove Blue, Glove Green, Glove Red, Glove Yellow, Glove, Gloves Blue, Gloves Green, Gloves Red, Gloves Yellow, Gloves, Health Meter Normal, Health Meter Redalert, Health Meter Yellowalert, Health Meter, Heart Flat, Heart Monitor, Hemp Leaf, Herbal Leave, Herbal Liquid, Herbal Mix Add, Herbal Mix Analysis, Herbal Mix Block, Herbal Mix Check, Herbal Mix Clock, Herbal Mix Configuration, Herbal Mix Date, Herbal Mix Delete, Herbal Mix Edit, Herbal Mix Error, Herbal Mix Help, Herbal Mix info, Herbal Mix Progress, Herbal Mix Report, Herbal Mix Restricted, Herbal Mix Search, Herbal Mix Stop, Herbal Mix Warning, Herbal Mix, Hospital Bed Add, Hospital Bed Analysis, Hospital Bed Block, Hospital Bed Check, Hospital Bed Clean, Hospital Bed Clock, Hospital Bed Configuration, Hospital Bed Date, Hospital Bed Delete, Hospital Bed Edit, Hospital Bed Error, Hospital Bed Eye 2, Hospital Bed Eye, Hospital Bed Help, Hospital Bed info, Hospital Bed injection green, Hospital Bed Pill, Hospital Bed Progress, Hospital Bed Report, Hospital Bed Restricted, Hospital Bed Search, Hospital Bed Stethoscope, Hospital Bed Stop, Hospital Bed Vials, Hospital Bed Warning, Hospital Bed, Hospital Building, hospital content, insecticide, Lancet, Lens Black Drop, Lens Black, Lens Blue Drop, Lens Blue, Lens Brown Drop, Lens Brown, Lens Green Add, Lens Green Analysis, Lens Green Block, Lens Green Check, Lens Green Clock, Lens Green Configuration, Lens Green Date, Lens Green Delete, Lens Green Drop, Lens Green Edit, Lens Green Error, Lens Green Help, Lens Green info, Lens Green Progress, Lens Green Report, Lens Green Restricted, Lens Green Search, Lens Green Stop, Lens Green Warning, Lens Green, Life Content, Male Symbol, Man Symbol Blue Add, Man Symbol Blue Analysis, Man Symbol Blue Block, Man Symbol Blue Check, Man Symbol Blue Clock, Man Symbol Blue Configuration, Man Symbol Blue Date, Man Symbol Blue Delete, Man Symbol Blue Edit, Man Symbol Blue Error, Man Symbol Blue Help, Man Symbol Blue info, Man Symbol Blue Progress, Man Symbol Blue Report, Man Symbol Blue Restricted, Man Symbol Blue Search, Man Symbol Blue Stop, Man Symbol Blue Warning, Man Symbol Blue, Man Symbol, Medical Office, Medical Symbol, Medical Symbol2, Microscope blue, Microscope Green, Microscope Red, Microscope Yellow Add, Microscope Yellow Analysis, Microscope Yellow Block, Microscope Yellow Check, Microscope Yellow Clock, Microscope Yellow Configuration, Microscope Yellow Date, Microscope Yellow Delete, Microscope Yellow Edit, Microscope Yellow Error, Microscope Yellow Help, Microscope Yellow info, Microscope Yellow Progress, Microscope Yellow Report, Microscope Yellow Restricted, Microscope Yellow Search, Microscope Yellow Stop, Microscope Yellow Warning, Microscope Yellow, Qualification, Qualify, Radiation, Red Crescent Logo Bg, Red Crescent Logo, Red Crescent, Red Cross Logo Bg, Red Cross Logo, Red Cross, Reflex Test Add, Reflex Test Analysis, Reflex Test Block, Reflex Test Check, Reflex Test Clock, Reflex Test Configuration, Reflex Test Date, Reflex Test Delete, Reflex Test Edit, Reflex Test Error, Reflex Test Help, Reflex Test Info, Reflex Test Progress, Reflex Test Report, Reflex Test Restricted, Reflex Test Search, Reflex Test Stop, Reflex Test Warning, Reflex Tester, Safety Glasses Blue, Safety Glasses Green, Safety Glasses Red, Safety Glasses Yellow, Safety Glasses, Stethoscope Add, Stethoscope Analysis, Stethoscope Block, Stethoscope Check, Stethoscope Clock, Stethoscope Configuration, Stethoscope Date, Stethoscope Delete, Stethoscope Edit, Stethoscope Error, Stethoscope Help, Stethoscope info, Stethoscope Progress, Stethoscope Report, Stethoscope Restricted, Stethoscope Search, Stethoscope Stop, Stethoscope Warning, Stethoscope, Surgery Tool, Teeth 2, Teeth 3, Teeth Add, Teeth Analysis, Teeth Block, Teeth Check, Teeth Clock, Teeth Configuration, Teeth Edit, Teeth Error, Teeth Help, Teeth info, Teeth Model, Teeth Progress, Teeth Report, Teeth Restricted, Teeth Search, Teeth Stop, Teeth Warning, Teeth, TeetHdate, TeetHdelete, Tooth 2, Tooth 3, Virus Add, Virus Analysis, Virus Block, Virus Check, Virus Clock, Virus Configuration, Virus Date, Virus Delete, Virus Edit, Virus Error, Virus Help, Virus info, Virus Progress, Virus Report, Virus Restricted, Virus Search, Virus Stop, Virus Warning, Virus, Walker, Weighing, Wheelchair Blue, Wheelchair Green, Wheelchair Red, Wheelchair Yellow, Women Symbol Analysis, Women Symbol Black, Women Symbol Red Add, Women Symbol Red Block, Women Symbol Red Check, Women Symbol Red Clock, Women Symbol Red Configuration, Women Symbol Red Date, Women Symbol Red Delete, Women Symbol Red Edit, Women Symbol Red Error, Women Symbol Red Help, Women Symbol Red info, Women Symbol Red Progress, Women Symbol Red Report, Women Symbol Red Restricted, Women Symbol Red Search, Women Symbol Red Stop, Women Symbol Red Warning, Women Symbol Red, X Ray 2, X Ray Add, X Ray Analysis, X Ray Block, X Ray Check, X Ray Clock, X Ray Configuration, X Ray Date, X Ray Delete, X Ray Edit, X Ray Error, X Ray Help, X Ray info, X Ray Progress, X Ray Report, X Ray Restricted, X Ray Search, X Ray Stop, X Ray Warning

Trusted by Microsoft, Apple, Yahoo, US Air Force, US Army, Hp, Ge, and Thousands More



US Air Force

US Air Force


General Electric





US Army

US Army




British Telecom

Harvard University

Harvard University


GlaxoSmithKline plc



Why did the world's best developers choose us?

1- The most perfect professional smallest dimensional designs

Minimum size designs with minimum anchor points. Thanks to its low dimensions, your project dimensions remain at the lowest size by using grade. If you do not want to deal with meaningless memory leaks and a lot of media errors that are not caused by you during project execution, you use Grafile collections.

2- Pixel perfect designs

All designs in Grafile are perfectly designed. color, alignment, adorner usages, directions, angles, and margins are 100% compatible with Microsoft Design Guidelines.

3- We know the demands of program developers, we are in the same boat

You can also find collections of graphics in the closest definitions you can find about your Notation in Java, C#, C++, or any programming language. You can use it without unnecessary time losses, compatibility, and accuracy checks because Microsoft is a Grafile customer. Grafile is also available on the Visual Studio Marketplace site.
Use Grafile in your projects to get one step ahead of your competitors.

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Icon Collections Bonus

About Grafile

Grafile is Enterprise Content Provider for Designer and Developer

We love what we do

Grafile Resource Company is founded to to meet the needs on ready-made icons, 2D vectors, 3D vectors, photos, and sound resources with various usage fields.

Our working process

Grafile Resource Company manufacturers provides numerous collections of ready-made. From medical science to finance almost every user can satisfy choosing the desired product.

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  • Vestibulum penatibus nunc dui adipiscing convallis bulum parturient suspendisse.
  • Abitur parturient praesent lectus quam a natoque adipiscing a vestibulum hendre.
  • Diam parturient dictumst parturient scelerisque nibh lectus.

Scelerisque adipiscing bibendum sem vestibulum et in a a a purus lectus faucibus lobortis tincidunt purus lectus nisl class eros.Condimentum a et ullamcorper dictumst mus et tristique elementum nam inceptos hac parturient scelerisque vestibulum amet elit ut volutpat.
